15 Insane Laws You Won’t Believe Actually Exist
Of course sometimes it isn’t always that simple, because as much as we’d like to believe in our lawmakers, common sense and logic aren’t always their strongest attributes. That’s why there are a good number of things you would never even contemplate could land you in jail. These are the laws that defy all reason, and just leave us baffled and scratching our heads. Here are 15 examples of things you didn’t realize could put you on the wrong side of the law.
1. It’s Against the Law for a Bingo Game to Last More than 5 Hours in North Carolina
Now, why anyone would actually want to play Bingo for that long is another matter.
2. You Can’t Serve Beer and Pretzels Together in North Dakota
What’s next, outlawing peanut butter and jelly being served on the same sandwich?
3. You Can’t Take a Photo of a Rabbit in June in Wyoming
Who knew Wyoming rabbits were such primadonnas?
4. You Can’t Have Christmas Lights Up Past January 14 in Maine
You know, we can actually get on board with this law because, come on guys, let Christmas go.
5. You Can’t Cross the Street Walking on your Hands in Connecticut
The big question here is, when was this such a huge problem that the law felt the need to address it?
6. You Can Get Arrested for Dying in London’s Houses of Parliament
Honestly, we’re dying to find out just how they enforce this one.
7. Vermont Women Need Written Permission from Husbands to Wear Fake Teeth
Barefoot, pregnant, and toothless is how they like them in the Green Mountain state!
8. You Can’t Wrestle Bears in Alabama
The real question is, why would you actually want to?
9. It’s Illegal to Run Out of Gas on the Autobahn
The Autobahn is perhaps the most famous road in the world thanks to its seeming lack of driving laws - well, other than the law against running out of gas.
10. Comic Books Depicting Crime Aren’t Allowed in Canada
Obviously the politest country in the world doesn’t want its superheroes having to deal with nuisances like bank robbers, after all.
11. You Must be at Least 18 to Play a Pinball Machine in South Carolina
When you turn 18 in America you become an adult, so you can finally do adult things like...play pinball, we guess?
12. Put Salt on the Railroad Tracks and You Could be Put to Death in Alabama
There are a few things people in Alabama don’t take kindly to, and apparently putting salt on some railroad tracks is right at the top of the list.
13. It’s Illegal to Serve Butter Substitutes in Wisconsin Prisons
In case you couldn’t tell, Wisconsin takes its dairy very seriously.
14. You Can’t Borrow a Vacuum from your Neighbor in Colorado
We can’t make any sense of this vacuum law, so we’ll just say it really sucks.
15. You Can’t be on More than One Game Show Per Year in the USA
Okay, can we extend this to reality television “stars” as well, please?
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